Contact us

Full contact information including a map showing the location of our office.

The Building Societies Association

6th Floor, York House
23 Kingsway
United Kingdom

Switchboard/consumer information:
020 7520 5900

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By email

Please direct email enquiries as follows:

Consumer Information for consumer related enquiries.

Press Office for media related enquiries. Please note this email address is for journalists only. If you are a consumer please use the address above.

Events for events related enquiries.

Technical for problems with our website.

How to find us

When travelling by taxi, the best approach is from the west, via Strand and Aldwych.
Routes 1, 59, 68, 91, 168, 171, 188, 243, 521 run along Kingsway.
The nearest underground stations are Holborn, Covent Garden and Temple.
There is an NCP car park in Drury Lane.
On foot
The website will help you plan a route on foot.


Access for deliveries to York House is to the rear of the building in Kean Street.


Keep in touch

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