Climate change and the role of business

Climate change and the role of business – including building societies and credit unions is a top priority now, into 2022 and well beyond.

Climate change and the role of business – including building societies and credit unions is a top priority now, into 2022 and well beyond.  There is no doubt that many of the elements involved in decarbonising to reach net zero by 2050 are easy to talk about and difficult to do, whether actions are related to business operations, supply chain or mortgage books.  Contributing to the discussion and focused on delivering ideas and actionable intelligence, the BSA is delivering a series of free 60-minute webinars for members and associates.  These draw on actions and best practice from inside and outside our own sector.  We have already had two sessions: 27 October: Sustainability – taking a strategic approach and on 22 November: Reaching net zero, how to decarbonise your business.  The recordings and associated slides for these webinars can be found on BSA website in events/speeches and presentations (member/associate login necessary).  The next three webinars will all be between 11:00 and 12:00 on:

  • 25 January - Decoding ESG  - reporting requirements, opportunities, and risks
  • 24 February - Carbon emissions in the mortgage book - focus on data and best practice
  • 29 March - Developing a green mortgage offer - experiences and reflections

We hope to see many members and associates there.  We are also keen to hear from members on topics they would also like to see covered in this series, together with those topics where a deeper dive half or full day seminar would be of value. 

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