• calender-icon Event
  • Savings
  • Posted: 30 Oct 2023

Workplace savings workshop


  • Calender-Icon Time: 12:30 - 14:30
  • Location-Icon Location: Edinburgh
  • Admin-Icon Organised By: Andrew Gall
  • Currency-Icon Free to attend (BSA Members only)

Workplace or payroll saving schemes can support people to further their financial resilience and create a stronger savings buffer. They also offer an opportunity to attract new savings members.

Workplace savings work by diverting a proportion of a person’s salary into a specific savings vehicle each month. Usually offered on an opt-in basis, exciting recent research has found that offers on an opt out basis could boost emergency savings for UK savers. 

This workshop will start with the BSA (and other speaker TBC) setting the scene with some of the policy and research background on workplace savings, including an update of the Work & Save - Scotland initiative. The main focus of the session will be a teach in from Capital Credit Union on how your organisation can begin to set up and offer a productive workplace savings scheme for businesses in your community, including a demonstration of how the payroll deductions are processed. Capital will also share how they engage employers and their employees.

There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions. Lunch will be provided. Please let us know if you would like to join but cannot attend in person, as there may be a hybrid option.

sessions.png  Timings:
  12:30 - 14:30 (lunch included)

places.png  Venue:
Capital Credit Union, 31 Dunedin Street, Edinburgh EH7 4JG

Currency-image.png  Cost:
  Free of charge - open to BSA Members only

Event Summary

  • Monday, 20 November 2023
  • 12:30 - 14:30
  • Free to attend (BSA Members only)

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