Nationwide CertBALM student is recognised with Outstanding Academic Achievement Award

Once again building societies have shone in the accredited CertBALM qualification, with the winner of the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award going to Sam Hammonds, a Senior Risk Consultant at Nationwide Building Society.

Sam-Hammon-CertBALM.JPGOnce again building societies have shone in the accredited CertBALM qualification, with the winner of the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award going to Sam Hammonds, a Senior Risk Consultant at Nationwide Building Society.

The honours degree-level qualification, headed by ALMA, provides a benchmark in asset and liability management. It is aimed at people working in the bank and building society sector: specifically those in treasury, balance sheet management, asset and liability management, risk and finance departments.

Over 200 hours’ of study is required to complete the demanding course, so Sam’s award is very well deserved, and we look forward to seeing how both he and the programme progresses in the coming years. A huge congratulations from all at the BSA.

A previous cohort saw the Academic Achievement Award go home with another building society employee, that time it was Michael Kozlowski from Yorkshire Building Society. Long may the trend continue!

More information on the CertBALM qualification can be found here.


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