• calender-icon Event
  • Audit & Taxation
  • Posted: 31 Oct 2023

Autumn audit series: Climate change and stress testing, risk and reporting


  • Calender-Icon Time: 14:00 - 15:30
  • Location-Icon Location: Webinar
  • Admin-Icon Organised By: BSA Events
  • Currency-Icon £99 Members / £150 Non-members

BSA Audit, Risk & Regulation Autumn Webinar Series:
Climate change and stress testing, risk and reporting

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time, and building societies have a role to play. How should societies capture the risks and model long dated scenarios? Most societies are exempt from TCFD disclosures, but as socially responsible mutuals, what ESG disclosures are appropriate and proportionate without killing a rain forest to print them?

This year's annual update returns in a brand new format with a series of topical webinars covering key areas of audit, risk and regulation. These events are targeted at risk and finance executives, and their teams as well as non-executive members of Audit and Risk Committees.

Please click on the speaker name below to download each PDF presentation. You must be logged into the members section of the website to view them. Registration for BSA Members Associates is free by clicking the 'Register' button at the top of this web page.

Chair: Ruth Doubleday,
 Head of Prudential Regulation, Building Societies Association (Biography)
Louise Pryor, Chair, Ecology Building Society (Biography)
Aidan Walker, Senior Credit Risk Lead, Skipton Building Society (Biography)
Serena Shaw, Senior Manager, Bank of England
Richard Walsh, Partner – Banking & Capital Markets, EY (Biography)

Other events in this series:


Event Summary

  • Thursday, 23 November 2023
  • 14:00 - 15:30
  • £99 Members / £150 Non-members

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